PORTFOLIO: Project 6
Software Release Interface: Phase 3
Project Summary
Phase 3 of the Software Release Interface web app redesign that was presented in Project 1. (The entire release system involved 5 different phases.) Phase 3 of the release process addressed how analysts upload requirements and design documents and how those documents are then reviewed and approved. The main steps in this phase were:
Upload design/requirements documents
Lead analyst certifies (reviews) the design/requirements documents
The Project Manager then reviews and approves the release for the next step, development
The Problem
Business Analysts are responsible for uploading documents relating to requirements and design. Managers then approve those documents. One release can have more than one person who is able to complete those tasks or to complete those tasks on behalf of someone else. The old system did not identify which role(s) were able to complete each task and who was assigned that role and when to do it. It also did not notify individuals on the team if a task had been assigned to them.
The Solution
All phases for the new Software Release Interface were designed so that users could see, with one click, everyone on the project team, what role they had been assigned, the tasks of each role and when that task needed to be completed. A notification system was also built in so that when a task was assigned to a user, that user received an email notification. For this phase, after business analysts upload requirements and design documents and their managers receive an email that documents are pending their approval. The system allow the analyst to update or delete documents as needed but other users only have view-only access. If that manager is not available, a second manager is able to sign of behalf of them.
UX Process
Interviews with users
Creation of conceptual models
Prototype created in Axure
User testing of Axure prototype with appropriate users
Final recommendations report based on UX test results
Featured Images & Prototype
The slider below features several images from the project from conceptual sketches to screenshots from the Axure prototype. The HTML version of the prototype is also available: Software Release Prototype Phase 3
*Note: These are "generic" versions of the actual concepts and prototype that was created and used for testing. The name of the system as well as other labels and text has been changed.

Click on an image to expand the slider.